Иностранные инвестиции в экономику России

Кафедра международных экономических отношений

Реферат по Мировой экономике

Тема: Проблема привлечения иностранных инвестиций в экономику России

Выполнила: Агаян Т.А.
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Внешнеэкономическая деятельность

1. Структура совокупного предложения. 2

2. Структура совокупного спроса. Крест Маршалла. 12

3. Условия и основа внешней торговли. 22

4. Внешняя торговля и распределение доходов 25

5. Экспортно-импортные отношения. 29
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Международные экономические отношения

Вопрос 1:
Административные и экономические меры регулирования внешней торговли.
Административные меры:
1. Заключение международных договоров
— об исключении двойного налогообложения
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Международная внешнеэкономическая деятельность


Внешнеэкономическая деятельность Узбекистана
Узбекистан как суверенное государство активно ведет работу по
формированию открытой экономики. Основой построения экономики открытого
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Оффшорные компании


1. Что такое оффшорная компания. 2

2. Страны регистрации оффшорных компаний. 3

3. Профили деятельности фирм. 4

4. Регистрация оффшорной компании. 5

5. Управление компанией. 5
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Международные экономические отношения

Экономические отношения ( МЭО )


1.Механизмы реализации международных
экономических отношений ( МЭО )……………………..4
2. Механизмы формирования интернациональной
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Palestinian liberation organization

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) has been the embodiment of
the Palestinian national movement. It is a broad national front, or an
umbrella organization, comprised of numerous organizations of the
resistance movement, political parties, popular organizations, and
independent personalities and figures from all sectors of life. The Arab
Summit in 1974 recognized the PLO as the «sole and legitimate
representative of the Palestinian people» and since then the PLO has
represented Palestine at the United Nations, the Movement of Non-Aligned
Countries (NAM), the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), and in
many other fora. In addition to its broad national and political goals, the
PLO has dealt with numerous tasks with regard to the life of the
Palestinian people in their main communities and throughout the world
through the establishment of several institutions in such realms as health,
education and social services. As such, the PLO is more than a national
liberation movement striving to achieve the national goals of the
Palestinian people, including the establishment of a Palestinian state with
Jerusalem as its capital.
The PLO was established in 1964 with Arab support. At that time, the
PLO was headed by Mr. Ahmed Al-Shukairy and, since then, has undergone
significant changes in its composition, leading bodies, political
orientation, and even the locales of its headquarters. The leading bodies
of the PLO are the Palestine National Council (PNC), the Central Council,
and the Executive Committee. Political pluralism has remained a defining
feature of the organization, as have democratic internal dialogue and
attempts to reach decisions by consensus in its bodies, recognizing the
presence of many differing views and competing alliances throughout
different periods. In 1968, the organization witnessed the beginning of the
engagement of the Feda’iyeen organizations (armed struggle organizations),
particularly Fateh. In 1969, Yasser Arafat, leader of Fateh, became the
Chairman of the Executive Committee of the PLO and, in 1971, he became the
General Commander of the Palestine Forces. His name has been synonymous
with the PLO and with the Palestinian national movement.
Since the establishment of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) and
the convening of general elections in January 1996 in the Occupied
Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, which were preceded by the
return of most Palestinian leaders to their homeland, the Authority’s role
and responsibilities continue to increase, in some ways at the expense of
the PLO. In the Palestinian territory, as well as outside, Islamic groups
remain outside the PLO, which traditionally has not mixed religion and
In general, the current Palestinian situation is constantly changing
and progressing towards the establishment of a state and the building of a
Palestinian democracy. These changes will affect the PLO, but there is no
doubt that, at least for some time, the PLO will continue its role as a
very important Palestinian structure for the Palestinian people in the
Occupied Territories, in the refugee camps, and throughout the world.
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Свободные экономические зоны и проблемы их становления в Молдове

Министерство образования Республики Молдова

Славянский Университет,

кафедра экономических дисциплин

Курсовая работа по макроэкономике
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Сотрудничество РФ с Сингапуром

Торгово-экономическое сотрудничество РФ с Cингапуром.

Торговые отношения РФ (в качестве правоприемника бывшего СССР) с
Сингапуром осуществляется с 1965 года с момента его отделения от Федерации
Малайзия. Основные принципы торговли зафиксированы в торговом соглашении,
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Внешнеторговая деятельность Республики Корея


Курсовая работа на тему:

Внешнеторговая деятельность Республики Корея.


План курсовой работы.
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